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Door Supervisor Training in Bradford

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Course Name

Door Supervisor

6 days
£229.99 Incl. VAT
Earning Potential
Up to £23 per hour
Mandatory Requirement For
SIA Door Supervisor Licence
Age Requirement
18+ years

Course Units
  • Principles of Working in The Private Security Industry
  • Principles of Working as a Door Supervisor
  • Application of Conflict Management for The Private Security Industry
  • Application of Physical Intervention in the Private Security Industry
4 multiple choice exams and various physical assessments
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About Door Supervisor Training Course in Bradford

Sample Lesson

Wondering what you will learn on the course? Watch expert trainer and SIA course intructor Anthony Milner talk you through the Health & Safety part of the SIA course.

The SIA Door Supervisor course runs over 6 days and is divided into 4 units: Working in the Private Security Industry, Working as a Door Supervisor, Conflict Management and Physical Intervention. On the final day of the course there will be 4 multiple choice exams and a practical assessment of the physical intervention skills you will be taught on the course.
What will I learn on the SIA Door Supervisor Training course in Bradford?

Unit 1 - Working in the Private Security Industry

  • Chapter 1: The Characteristics and Purposes of the Private Security Industry
  • Chapter 2: Legislation Awareness
  • Chapter 3: Arrest Procedures 
  • Chapter 4: Health and Safety
  • Chapter 5: Fire Awareness
  • Chapter 6: Emergencies
  • Chapter 7: Communication
  • Chapter 8: Record Keeping
  • Chapter 9: Terror threats and the role of the Security Operative
  • Chapter 10: Keeping vulnerable people safe 
  • Chapter 11: Post incident management


Unit 2 - Working as a Door Supervisor within the Private Security Industry 


  • Chapter 1: Understanding Crimes Relevant to Door Supervision
  • Chapter 2: Searching
  • Chapter 3: Drug Awareness
  • Chapter 4: Preservation of Evidence
  • Chapter 5: Licensing Law Relevant to the Door Supervisor
  • Chapter 6: Queue management and venue capacity responsibilities relevant to a Door Supervisor.
  • Chapter 7: Equipment Relevant to a Door Supervisor


Unit 3 - Conflict Management within the Private Security Industry 

  • Chapter 1: The principles of conflict management
  • Chapter 2: Recognising Risks In Conflict Situations
  • Chapter 3: Problem Solving Techniques
  • Chapter 4: Using Communication to help Resolve Conflict


Unit 4 - Physical Intervention Skills within the Private Security Industry 


We understand that examinations can be daunting but don't worry. Everything you need to know for the examination is covered during the Door Supervisor course and your expert instructor will fully prepare you for success in the tests.


Getting to your training venue in Bradford
Travelling to your Door Supervisor course in Bradford by train couldn’t be easier with a choice of three train stations to choose from. The following options are: 

Bradford Interchange
Bradford Interchange, Bridge St, Bradford BD1 1TU
Bradford Forster Square
382a King’s Rd, Forster Square, Bradford, BD2 1NH
Apperley Bridge
36 Apperley Ln, Calverley, Bradford BD10 0NT

We recommend travelling to Bradford Interchange, being one of the major train stations in Bradford, this should give you plenty of options regarding train times. From here, our centre is 3.68Km away and we suggest you either get a taxi from there or you can get the number 427 bus from the city centre which takes around 18 minutes. 
Luckily with this venue in Bradford, we do have free onsite parking for anyone attending the course. However, if on your lunch break or after the course you would like to pop to the city centre for lunch or a wander, then there are plenty of options to park your car. Here are a few suggestions below:
NCP Bradford Halls Ing
Hall Ings, Bradford, BD1 5SD
NCP Car Park Bradford Southgate
Thornton Rd, Bradford BD1 2AP
Britannia Street Car Park
Britannia St, Broomfields, Bradford BD5 0DW


Depending on your location, you may fancy walking to your course. Our location is very accessible and the walk score in Bradford is 91/100 which means you do not require transport or a car to do a daily errand. You can reach any destination by walk once you in the area. 

If you’re travelling quite far to attend this course in Bradford, you may decide to make a trip out of it and stay in a hotel nearby. Right next to our venue there is a Holiday Inn which also features a Bollywood Brasserie, meaning after each day of your course you’ll be able to go back to your hotel and be fully prepared for the next day. If you would prefer to stay a bit further away in the city centre, there are also many options there to, you can take a look here: Hotels/ accommodations
Right next to our venue, there is an amazing ice cream shop called ‘Goodalls of Tong’. Perhaps if you taking the course during the winter you may want to give this one a miss, however on a hot summers day, nothing can beat a good old 99’er with a flake! To find this shop, simply take a right when you come out of the venue and it is about 100 yards down the road. 

If you fancy venturing into the centre for food, Bradford is known to have a very diverse food culture. The best café in town to visit while you staying there is Java Joe which is located on 1 Corban Street, Bradford BD4 8RH. If you are looking for somewhere for a big munch visit La Crepe House, it's well-known its crepes however they also have French food, chicken, Burgers, Tacos, Milkshakes, and many food options. La Crepe House is located on 1264 Leeds Road, Bradford, BD3 8LF.

If you looking for somewhere to shop from there are many shopping centre in the town to shop from, Kirkgate shopping centre is one of the popular and well-known shopping centres in town. The shopping centre is located at Kirkgate Centre, Bradford BD1 1TQ.

SIA Job Opportunities in Bradford.
In this busy town, there is always potential work available in Bradford for SIA license holders. You could find potential work at Kirkgate Shopping Centre, Bradford Forster Square station, Forster square shopping park, and many more. 

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