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10 Tips To Help You Pass Your Door Supervisor Course

Attending a training course can be quite daunting for some people and can instantly take you out of your comfort zone, especially if it is a subject or sector that is completely new to you.

If you’re reading this, it either means you are already booked to attend a SIA Door Supervisor Training Course or you are considering it.

So, with that in mind, here are 10 tips to help you successfully prepare for your SIA Door Supervisor training course.

1 – The vast majority of people attending the course will feel the same as you – FACT! So, try not to stress too much. Remember, you are there to soak it all in, so just relax and let your mind absorb the information without any unnecessary stress. In fact, embrace the nerves and enjoy the experience. The tutor is there to ensure you gain the most out of the training and they are there to support you and your nerves.

2 – Try and sit in a relaxed position. You are going to be in that seat for quite some time, so it’s important to get comfy. Though do try and stretch those legs from time to time. Even if it just involves popping to the local supermarket in between breaks.

3 – Chat to your fellow trainees in the classroom. Remember, you are all in the same situation and are there by choice because you want to further your skill set and advance your career. Get to know one another, build up a rapport and share a coffee during the interval.

4 – It’s been shown that taking deep breaths can actually help you relax and feel focused and energised. So, take some long slow deep breaths and focus on the task ahead.

5 – Keep that mobile phone off at all times. Those tweets and Facebook notifications can wait. Though we do encourage our trainees to like and follow us on social media during their break.

6 – Smile – this has a natural effect on the body to help you relax

7 – Feeling peckish? Well it might be a good idea to bring lunch with you. Our training venues are always located in the most convenient of places close to towns and city centres. Which means there are always plenty of places to go for drinks and refreshments.

8 – Speaking of venue, check out the venue beforehand – where is it and how you get there. Is it an Uber or a Tube stop away? And how long will it take you to get 9 to the venue? Travel preparation beforehand is key to ensure you arrive to the training course efficiently and on time.

9 – Wear casual but smart clothing and make sure you are comfortable.

10 – Ask questions. Tutors are there for you and for you only. Do not feel like you are bothering or annoying them by asking the same question for the 4th time because you haven’t quite understood it. Tutors are there to coach and guide you in securing your Door Supervisor. So, take your time and go at a pace which best suits you.

Above all else, enjoy yourself and enjoy meeting others who are on the same journey as you.

How to work in the security sector

If you are interested in working in the security sector, whether it be as a Door Supervisor, Security Guard or CCTV Operative, you will need to obtain a SIA Licence.

To obtain a SIA Licence, you will need to complete a course. Once you have completed the course, will you then be able to apply for an SIA Licence and work in the security sector.

Looking for jobs? 

To find the latest security jobs, check out our Jobs Board, which has 1,000+ jobs from the UK’s best security companies. 

If you’re on the hunt for a security job on the go, download the GuardPass app for all the latest jobs and more. The GuardPass App is available for download on the Apple App Store or on the Google Play Store. 

Start your career now with our courses! Click here to begin.

Article Name
10 Tips To Help You Successfully Prepare For Your Door Supervisor Course
Training is the key to success, but how can you successfully prepare for a training course to insure you get the best results? These tips may be able to help.
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