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5 reasons To Become A Female Door Supervisor

Come the weekend, 70% of violent incidents occurring at night are all alcohol related. Worse, it is estimated to cost the NHS an alarming £3.5 billion a year. With men being more likely to consume more alcohol than women, just imagine the challenges faced by Door Supervisors when dealing with disorderly behaviour. So, what’s the solution then? Well surprisingly, it’s a lady’s touch.

Although viewed as a male dominated profession, there is now a growing demand for female Door Supervisors. In the next 5 points we’ll explore why you don’t need brawn to deal with the unruly and why women should strongly consider this role.

Women bring calm

Whether a fight breaks out in a bar or spills onto the street, in most cases (if men are involved) they’ll refrain from exchanging blows when a female intervenes. The reason? Men are far more mindful of unintentionally harming a woman than a musclebound male. In fact, in many cases a male presence can cause further aggravation. A female presence on the other hand, can often bring a more holistic approach to a hostile situation.

The law says so

It is now a requirement for clubs and entertainment venues (where females need to be searched) for female security to provide padding down search techniques. It is otherwise inappropriate for male Door Supervisors to do so.

It’s flexible

Got kids or worried you won’t make the school run? With flexible hours available, you can shape your life around work as you see fit. Choose the days and hours you wish to work and make things manageable.

It’s one of the few jobs where women can earn more than men

Male dominated or not, the demand for female Door Supervisors is such that some venues are willing to pay more for their services.

Who says women can’t do it?

If there was ever a job to debunk the myth that women are meek and weak, then this is it. Today, approximately half a million people are employed in security roles in the private sector, and the industry collectively contributes £6 billion to the UK economy. So, why not become part of a rapidly growing industry and do something exciting!

How to work in the security sector

If you are interested in working in the security sector, whether it be as a Door Supervisor, Security Guard or CCTV Operative, you will need to obtain a SIA Licence.

To obtain a SIA Licence, you will need to complete a course. Once you have completed the course, will you then be able to apply for an SIA Licence and work in the security sector.

Start your career now with our courses! Click here to begin.

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5 reasons To Become A Female Door Supervisor
If you're female and looking for a career change that's flexible, discover why female Door Supervisors are worth their weight in gold.