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Home Career Advice Failed Your SIA Security Training Exam? Here’s What to Do Next | Retake Tips & Study Guide
Failed Your SIA Security Training Exam? Here’s What to Do Next | Retake Tips & Study Guide

Failed Your SIA Security Training Exam? Here’s What to Do Next | Retake Tips & Study Guide


You’ve just received the news – you failed your security training exam. It’s a gut-punch, no doubt about it. Your first instinct might be to lash out, to blame the security training provider or the exam board. But hold on a moment. As someone aspiring to join the ranks of security professionals, now is the time to show true grit and character. Let’s talk about what to do next.

The Blame Game: A Dead End

Frustrated student blaming security training providers after failing the SIA exam.

It’s tempting to point fingers when things don’t go our way. We recently saw a review from a student who claimed, “They guys are just making money…. and really don’t care about their students…. they really want to see you fail so they can get more money from you.”

This mindset, while understandable in a moment of frustration, is a dangerous path – especially for those entering the security industry. Here’s why:

  • It’s Inaccurate: Security training providers and exam boards have a vested interest in your success. More qualified security professionals benefit the entire industry.
  • It’s Unproductive: Blaming others doesn’t change the result or help you improve.
  • It’s Unprofessional: In the security industry, accountability is crucial. Passing the buck is a luxury you can’t afford in high-stakes situations.

The Truth About Security Exam Failures

Let’s set the record straight:

  • Security exams are regulated by independent bodies to ensure fairness.
  • Security training providers succeed when you succeed – it’s in their interest to help you pass.
  • The security industry needs qualified professionals; there’s no conspiracy to hold you back.

Failed Your Security Exam? Here’s What You Should Do Next

  • Take a Deep Breath: It’s okay to feel disappointed, but don’t let it consume you.
  • Own It: Acknowledge that the result is a reflection of your performance, not a plot against you.
  • Analyse Your Performance: Where did you struggle? What caught you off guard during your security training exam?
  • Seek Feedback: Reach out to your security trainers. Most are more than willing to provide guidance on areas you need to improve. Understanding what went wrong will help you make the right changes.
  • Create a New Study Plan: Focus on your weak areas. Break the material into manageable chunks and create a clear study schedule. This will help you stay on track as you prepare for your security exam retake.
  • Utilise All Resources: Many security training providers offer free retakes or additional study materials. Be sure to take full advantage of these opportunities. If you’re looking to boost your practice even further, try the SIA mock exams available on the GuardPass app.
  • Consider Your Study Environment: Are you giving yourself the best chance to absorb the information? Minimising distractions and setting clear study goals can make all the difference.
  • Stay Positive: Remember, many successful security professionals didn’t pass their security exam on the first try. What matters most is how you respond to the setback.

Why Mindset Matters in the Security Industry

Security professionals with a positive mindset and the right attitude, ready to serve the security industry.

In the security industry, your mindset is as important as your physical capabilities. Here’s why taking responsibility for your exam performance is crucial:

  • It Demonstrates Integrity: A key quality in security professionals.
  • It Shows Resilience: The ability to bounce back from setbacks is vital in this field.
  • It Reflects Good Judgement: Critical thinking and objective assessment are essential skills for security guards.

The Path to Passing Your Security Training Exam on Your Next Try

Remember, failing a security training exam doesn’t make you a failure. It’s an opportunity to show what you’re really made of. The security industry needs professionals who can face challenges head-on, learn from their mistakes, and continuously improve.

Actionable Steps to Pass Your Security Exam Retake

Here’s a simple action plan to get you back on track:

  • Reflect honestly on your preparation and performance. What areas can you improve?
  • Reach out to your security training provider for support and guidance. They’re there to help you succeed.
  • Set a date for your security exam retake – having a goal will help you stay focused and motivated.
  • Start your revised study plan immediately. Don’t wait – the sooner you begin, the better prepared you’ll be.
  • Consider finding a study buddy or mentor in the security field. Having someone to study with can make the process easier and more effective.

Don’t Let One Failure Define You – Your Security Career Is Still Within Reach

Failing an exam is a setback, not a dead end. How you respond to this challenge says more about your suitability for a career in security than any single test result. Show the industry that you have the resilience, accountability, and determination it needs.

Remember, every security professional you admire has faced obstacles. The difference is, they didn’t give up or blame others – they pushed forward.

Ready to pass your security training exam retake? At Get Licensed, we’re committed to helping you succeed with our industry-leading security training programmes. Whether you need additional study materials, support from expert trainers, or guidance on preparing for your next exam, we’ve got your back. Our courses are designed to give you the skills and confidence you need to thrive in the security industry.

Get in touch with your security training provider for more support and resources. The security industry needs professionals like you – let us help you succeed this time!

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