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Home Door Supervisor Free SIA Mock Tests
Free SIA Mock Tests

Free SIA Mock Tests


Did you know that you can take FREE mock tests to practice before booking an SIA Door Supervisor Course or any other SIA training course through the GuardPass app? Or practice while you are waiting to attend the course. Here are a few FAQs answered for you about our mock tests. 

What is the pass mark?

The pass marks for each exam on the Door Supervisor Course are as follows:

  • Unit 1 – Principles of Working in the Private Security industry (70%)
  • Unit 2 – Principles of Working as a Door Supervisor (70%)
  • Unit 3 – Application of Conflict Management (70%)
  • Unit 3 – Application of Conflict Management (80%)

You must also pass various practical assessments including: Use of Radios, Report Writing, Searching, Conflict Management, Physical Intervention.

How long is the SIA mock test? 

For each unit on the GuardPass app you will get 20 minutes to answer 20 questions.

Get free Mock tests on the GuardPass app!

There are over thousands of mock exam questions available on the GuardPass app to help you with your exams. Once you have downloaded the app, get access to free mock tests for whichever SIA security course you want to prepare for. The GuardPass App is available for download on the Apple App Store or on the Google Play Store.

How to prepare for the SIA test using mock tests?

Read the question carefully and then read all the answers carefully. Try elimination if the correct answer doesn’t immediately spring to you. Work out if you can, what the answer isn’t and then go from there. In the next part of the blog, we explain how to use flashcards. This is one of the best, if not the best, proven methods of learning. You’ll find the most brilliant minds in the world use this technique successfully — even doctors.  

Try flashcards

This takes a little time, but it’s proven to be the best way of learning. You can either use the traditional handwritten way or use the state-of-the-art system Brainscape. If you are doing it the handwritten way, it’s simply a case of writing the question and the possible answers on a piece of card. Then write the correct answer on the back. If you are using Brainscape, it’s a case of inputting these onto your own automated flashcards just for use. 

And yes, that might take some time, but the process of writing out or typing in the details is proven to help you memorize brilliantly. 

But here’s the trick that Brainscape has implemented into their system. For example, you might get the following question with the four possible answers:

Online practice

Say, for example, you know this question very well. You know the answer is B, and you know the reason why, then in the Brainscape system, when asked how well you knew the answer, you would answer 5. That means that you know the question like the back of your hand, and it’s a waste of your time, to keep being asked about it. 

Therefore, the system won’t ask you that question for a long time. If you didn’t know the answer so well, you would score it a 1 or 2, perhaps. And the system will know to ask you again after a few questions. This will allow you to concentrate on your weakest questions by saving time and not repeating what you know. 

YouTube Mock Exams With Carl

Offline practice

If you prefer the handwritten way instead of Brainscape, then you can use a similar system. If you have 100 flashcards and you don’t know the answer well, move it back 5 or 10 in the pack of cards. If you knew it so-so, then move it back to halfway in the pack, maybe 40 or 50. And if you knew it really well, put it to the back of the deck. This will allow you to concentrate on your weakest questions by saving time by not repeating what you know. 

By doing this for just a few days when you return to the PROtect app or desktop version of the 40-question test, you will be sure to have improved your scores greatly. Simply rinse and repeat until you are happy with your scores.  

Use apps to save time

GuardPass is our industry-first app that not only allows you to book and manage your course but also gives you access to free mock tests. Lots of people prefer to use an app for quizzes and tests. And it’s also a great way to make use of your time. Sat on the bus for thirty minutes in the morning and evening? Then you can use that time efficiently to become study time. That means that your time is yours, having already put in an hour’s study today when you get in. You could try logging into Brainscape in the morning and taking a test on your way home. 

I know all the answers to the mock test, so why should I take the course?

So, you know all the answers, huh? Well done, you! And it’s certainly reassuring to part with your hard-earned cash for a course that you are confident you will pass. If you take that extra step and make either handwritten or Brainscape flashcards and practice for a week or two, then we are pretty sure you will easily be getting above the pass mark in a short space of time. Anyone can pass the test if they use this technique. 

However, there will be some questions that you have remembered the correct answer to, but you are not really sure why. That’s where your trainers come in, who will explain everything in an easy-to-understand way. 

For the most part, being a door supervisor is about learning skills and thinking on your feet to apply the essential information you have learned. You can only learn this by interacting with a trainer. 

In addition, you can only become qualified by taking the course. But you can take the course at a local venue or online. You can book your SIA training course using the GuardPas App. \

How do I sign up? 

Knowing you can pass the course is one thing. But knowing it’s right for you is another. Take the time to watch some videos from our YouTube channel and if you think being a door supervisor is going to be right for you, then book today. With no booking fee, price match and a money-back guarantee, you have absolutely NOTHING to lose and EVERYTHING to gain. 

Latest content – An interview with Sirtaj

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    1. Hi Robert. Thank you for reaching out to us. If you are interested in security training, please provide us with your contact details so our representatives can reach you. Thanks.

  1. I intend coming to UK by December 2022 and wish to pursue a career in Security with a certification to back it up,will even love to have qualify before coming so that I can have a smooth trail when I arrive

    1. Hi Hakeem. Thank you for reaching out to us. SIA certifications require in-class training after which you can apply for the licence. It would be best to start training once you return to the UK. For information on security training, check out our course page https://www.get-licensed.co.uk/all-courses. Good luck!

  2. Can you get help to pay for the SIA Course if
    You stay in Scotland you used to get around
    £200 I Think, i am only looking to work at night for for a few years as i am 63 years old

    1. Hi Derek. Thank you for reaching out to us. You can check with your local job centre. Alternatively, we have instalment plans available as well.
      We hope this helps! Thanks.

  3. I am working as Security Officer in Dubai, what are the requirements for getting SIA license? Thank you.

  4. thanks for this detailed article , i just have simple question , does amazon really accept paypal as method of payment ? i tried mant times to pay by paypal but i faild , my friend told me he paid by using paypal , i am really confused

    1. Hi Drusilla. Thank you for reaching out to us. In order to pay via Paypal, you’ll need to book the course via our website, not Amazon.

  5. hello , i really liked your article , i just have one simple qustion , can u you pleas tell me can i pay by paypal in amazon website ?, thanks again for this detailed article

    1. Hi Michel. Thank you for reaching out to us. Yes, you can pay via Paypal but only via our website, not Amazon.


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