
2 Min Read

How to Land a Job Post-COVID-19

We are living in a world where millions of people have been made redundant, leaving them jobless due to the devastation caused by the COVID-19 Pandemic.

The job market is crowded with an abundance of people seeking jobs. It has never been so important that you are the best potential hire among all other candidates.

Here are some suggestions that could help steer you towards landing a job post-COVID-19.

Upskill Yourself

Upskilling yourself is the most effective way to help ensure that you are the most employable among other candidates.

The top skills that you should consider learning will vary depending on the industry that you are interested in working. 

However, here is an example of how you can upskill yourself within the Security Sector;

If you have an SIA Door Supervisor Licence – Some additional qualifications that you may want to consider include;  CCTV Training, Emergency First Aid, or perhaps even picking up some geographical knowledge. 

Being able to provide additional credentials will help prove to your employer that you are passionate and open to continuous learning.

Post-Coronavirus Employable Skills

While upskilling is great, it can also be expensive and difficult to know where to start.

Upon doing some research, we have gathered what are defined to be the most employable skills, post-Coronavirus. 

Some of these skills include; 

– Adaptability and Flexibility

– Tech Savviness

– Creativity

– Innovation

– Data Literacy

– Critical Thinking

– Digital and Coding Skills

– Leadership

– Emotional Intelligence

– Open to Learning Attitudes

When deciding what sort of upskilling you want to invest in, consider some of the above points. Many employers will be looking for staff that are capable of these actions in the post-COVID-19 world. 


If you have extra free time on your hands, use it for research.

Research everything. From new job possibilities to completely new industries – Now is your time to explore. 

For example, If you are interested in getting a career within the Security Sector, check out our Career Pages

Our Career Pages are perfect for those of you who would like to know more about varying roles within the Security Industry. For each career page, we include the role requirements, average salaries and typical expectations.

Making yourself aware of the potential opportunities within your economy should provide you with some relief, as you may discover job roles that you would have never previously considered. 

In Conclusion

Now more than ever, it is essential to make sure that you stand out among other potential candidates.

Continuously educate yourself, explore new industries, and don’t be afraid to try something new – even if it’s just part-time work. 

You have got this.

Start your career now with our courses! Click here to begin.

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