
2 Min Read

How To Successfully Track Your SIA Application

Just days into 2019, what better way is there to commence the new year than with an exciting career change?

If the career in question is a security one, you will need to register for an SIA online account. The reason for this is that the SIA will need to keep you informed about any developments concerning your application and, if necessary, request further information from you.

The first thing the SIA will ask for when you register is an email address. This will ensure that a steady line of communication is maintained while you await their decision on whether they can license you.

The trouble is, depending on your email provider, some emails sent to you by the SIA could have slipped through the cracks as junk mail.

So, if you have jumped through all the necessary hoops and are left waiting anxiously and wondering what the hold-up is, there could be a chance that you have missed some vital news about your application.

These lost emails could have been filtered or trapped and therefore failed to appear in your inbox. There are a variety of reasons for this, chiefly the settings on the device you receive emails from and the filtering rules made by your internet provider.

So, here’s what you can do to retrieve those all-important emails:

  • Check your junk mail folder to see if the email has appeared there.
  • Add the SIA email address to your ‘safe senders list’ – how you do this will depend on your email provider.

By following the above simple steps, you could save yourself a lot of needless bother and be a lot closer to getting that all-important SIA licence.

Good luck!

How to work in the security sector

If you are interested in working in the security sector, whether it be as a Door Supervisor, Security Guard or CCTV Operative, you will need to obtain an SIA Licence.

To obtain an SIA Licence, you will need to complete a course. Once you have completed the course, will you then be able to apply for an SIA Licence and work in the security sector.

Looking for jobs? 

To find the latest security jobs, check out our Jobs Board, which has 1,000+ jobs from the UK’s best security companies. 

If you’re on the hunt for a security job on the go, download the GuardPass app for all the latest jobs and more. The GuardPass App is available for download on the Apple App Store or on the Google Play Store. 

Start your career now with our courses! Click here to begin.

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How To Successfully Track Your SIA Application
If you applied for an SIA licence and still haven't heard anything back, there's a chance your email could have been lost to junk mail.To find out how to avoid this, read on.