
2 Min Read

One-Day SIA Training Anyone?

The SIA cancelled over 2400 licences over the past 3 years! 

With only limited resources available to investigate training malpractice, this is likely to be just the tip of the iceberg.

At Get Licensed we answer over 50,000 calls and book 40,000 people on approved training courses with approved and vetted training providers.

Many callers ask us why our network of providers run 6-day courses when their friend of a friend did a course which was only two days and got a “guaranteed pass”…

Put simply, it is illegal to do training which is less than the SIA’s requirements. Obtaining an SIA license in this way can land you in court, and will almost certainly lead to a revocation of your licence, and bar you from reapplying. 

If you are considering starting a career in the industry, don’t be tempted to take a ‘shortcut’. Security is a serious business and not for everyone. The protection of people and property is a role that comes with great responsibility. Genuine SIA training gives you the ability to shoulder that responsibility safely and effectively without being a risk to the public or yourself.

The high quality, official SIA training courses, that Get Licensed approve, are designed to help you get ready for the job by equipping you with all of the necessary skills to work in the security industry safely and successfully. 

Free SIA Door Supervisor Course

Get Licensed works with top training providers that achieve over 90% pass rates first time, and offers malpractice protection with a 100% money back guarantee. On top of that there is an option to include a no pass no fee offer on your course. This allows complete peace of mind as you get a full refund if you fail the course.

Do it right.

Security is serious business.

Get trained (properly!), licensed and working in less than three weeks.

Start your career now with our courses! Click here to begin.

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