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Home News Shoplifting Reaches 20-Year High in England and Wales: Causes, Impacts, and Security Solutions
Shoplifting Reaches 20-Year High in England and Wales: Causes, Impacts, and Security Solutions

Shoplifting Reaches 20-Year High in England and Wales: Causes, Impacts, and Security Solutions


Shoplifting incidents in England and Wales have surged to their highest levels in two decades, raising alarms across the retail sector, law enforcement, and society at large. According to recent reports, the rise in retail theft has sparked concern among business owners, policymakers, and the general public alike. But what is driving this uptick, and what can be done to address it?

Key Statistics and Findings

The latest figures reveal a troubling trend in retail theft:

  • 20-Year High: Shoplifting levels in England and Wales have reached a 20-year high, with 443,995 shoplifting offences logged by police forces in the year to March 2024. This represents a 30% increase from the 342,428 incidents recorded in the previous year.
  • Record Numbers: According to the Office for National Statistics (ONS), these are the highest numbers since records began in 2003. The ONS described these increases as particularly “notable,” indicating a growing challenge for retailers and law enforcement.
  • Theft from the Person: The number of offences involving theft from the person also rose, reaching 131,453 in 2023/24, up 17% from 112,225 in 2022/23. This statistic underscores the broader issue of rising crime rates affecting both individuals and businesses.

Superintendent Andy Sidebotham from the College of Policing noted, “We recognise shoplifting is of major public concern, and that’s why we’ve boosted our guidance, provided additional support, and are clear on the investigative standards expected. There is more to do, and we will continue to focus attention on this crime.”

Contributing Factors to the Rise in Shoplifting

A man shoplifting by concealing stolen items in his jacket

Several factors have likely contributed to the recent surge in shoplifting across England and Wales:

  • Economic Pressures: The ongoing cost-of-living crisis, driven by rising inflation and stagnant wages, has placed immense financial strain on many households. As budgets tighten, some individuals may resort to shoplifting out of sheer desperation.
  • Pandemic Aftershocks: The lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic continue to ripple through the retail sector. Businesses, still recovering from lockdowns and reduced foot traffic, are now facing increased challenges in maintaining security as retail theft becomes more prevalent.
  • Policing and Resource Constraints: Cuts to police funding over the past decade have left many forces stretched thin. With limited resources, retail crime, often seen as a lower priority compared to violent crimes, may receive less attention, creating an environment where shoplifting can thrive.
  • Societal Changes: Some experts suggest that changing societal attitudes towards theft may also play a role. The normalisation of small-scale theft, especially among younger demographics, could be contributing to the rise in shoplifting offences.

The Impact of Shoplifting on Retailers and Society

The rise in shoplifting has far-reaching consequences for retailers and the wider community:

  • Financial Losses: Retailers are facing significant financial losses due to the increase in theft. For small businesses, in particular, these losses can be devastating, leading to tighter margins, price increases for consumers, or even closures.
  • Increased Security Costs: As shoplifting incidents rise, so too do the costs associated with preventing them. Retailers may need to invest more in security measures such as CCTV, security personnel, and anti-theft devices.
  • Strain on Law Enforcement: The surge in shoplifting adds to the workload of already overstretched police forces. With limited resources, prioritising cases becomes a challenge, and many shoplifting incidents go unpunished, potentially leading to a cycle of repeat offences.
  • Community Impact: High levels of shoplifting can erode trust within communities. When theft becomes rampant, it can lead to an atmosphere of insecurity, affecting the overall quality of life for residents.

How Law Enforcement is Tackling the Shoplifting Crisis

Law enforcement agencies are taking steps to address the rise in shoplifting, but they face significant challenges:

  • Resource Allocation: Police forces are working to allocate resources more effectively, but the sheer volume of cases makes it difficult to respond to every incident. Some areas are exploring alternative strategies, such as partnership approaches with retailers, to share the burden of tackling retail theft.
  • Innovative Approaches: Some police forces are employing technology-driven solutions to combat shoplifting. For example, data analysis tools can help identify patterns and hotspots, enabling more targeted interventions.
  • Community Policing: Strengthening ties between police and local communities is another strategy being used to address shoplifting. By fostering closer relationships with retailers and residents, police can build trust and encourage the reporting of incidents, leading to more effective prevention and enforcement.

Potential Solutions to Curb Shoplifting in Retail

CCTV camera used as a security measure to prevent shoplifting

Addressing the rise in shoplifting requires a multi-faceted approach:

  • Economic Support: Providing financial assistance and support to those most affected by the cost-of-living crisis could help reduce the economic pressures that drive some individuals to shoplifting. This could include government initiatives such as increasing benefits or implementing targeted financial relief programmes.
  • Enhanced Security Measures: Retailers may need to invest in more advanced security systems, such as AI-powered surveillance cameras or electronic article surveillance (EAS) systems, to deter potential thieves.
  • Public Awareness Campaigns: Raising awareness about the consequences of shoplifting, both for individuals and the wider community, could help shift societal attitudes and discourage theft.
  • Improved Policing Strategies: Law enforcement agencies could benefit from additional funding and resources to address retail crime more effectively. Expanding community policing initiatives and fostering partnerships with retailers could also play a key role in reducing shoplifting rates.
  • Retailer Collaboration: Retailers themselves can work together, sharing information and strategies to tackle shoplifting. By pooling resources and knowledge, businesses can create a united front against theft.

With the rise in shoplifting comes an increased risk of confrontation between shoplifters and retail staff. It’s more important than ever to ensure that retail workers are protected. The new legislation that makes assault on retail workers a criminal offence is a significant step forward in safeguarding those on the front lines. This law not only provides better protection for staff but also acts as a deterrent against aggressive behaviour in retail environments.

Enhancing Retail Security: The Role of Professional Training

As shoplifting incidents continue to rise, investing in effective security measures has become more crucial than ever for retailers. One of the most impactful steps businesses can take is to ensure that their security personnel are highly trained and prepared to handle the challenges posed by retail theft.

This is where Get Licensed can make a significant difference. As the leading provider of security training in the UK, Get Licensed offers comprehensive programmes designed to equip security professionals with the skills and knowledge needed to effectively prevent and manage incidents of shoplifting.

Why Invest in Security Training?

CCTV operators monitoring screens to improve retail security and address shoplifting.

  • Enhanced Skills: Through Get Licensed’s training courses, security personnel learn essential skills such as conflict management, surveillance techniques, and customer service, all of which are vital for reducing theft and ensuring a safe shopping environment. Our door supervisor training programme equips personnel with the skills to manage crowds, handle potential conflicts, and protect retail premises effectively.
  • SIA Licensing: Get Licensed provides Security Industry Authority (SIA) approved training courses that are essential for obtaining a security licence in the UK. This ensures that your security team meets the highest industry standards, giving you peace of mind that they are well-equipped to protect your business.
  • Real-World Scenarios: The training includes practical exercises and real-world scenarios that prepare security professionals for the types of situations they might face in a retail setting. For example, our CCTV operator training programme teaches personnel how to effectively monitor and record activity in and around retail premises, which is crucial for deterring and documenting shoplifting incidents.

It’s also essential to understand the critical role of retail security officers in preventing theft and ensuring a safe shopping environment. These officers are often the first line of defence against shoplifting and other retail crimes. Retail security officers are trained to identify suspicious behaviour, respond swiftly to incidents, and manage potentially volatile situations with professionalism and composure. Investing in the proper training and support for these officers not only enhances their effectiveness but also strengthens the overall security strategy of the business.

Empower Your Team with Get Licensed

By investing in security training with Get Licensed, retailers can not only reduce the risk of shoplifting but also create a safer and more secure environment for both staff and customers. Whether you’re looking to train new security personnel or upskill your existing team, Get Licensed offers a range of programmes tailored to meet the specific needs of the retail sector.

With the right training, your security team can play a pivotal role in addressing the rise in shoplifting, helping to protect your business from financial losses and maintaining a positive shopping experience for your customers.


The rise in shoplifting in England and Wales is a complex issue with deep-rooted causes that require a multifaceted response. Economic hardship, societal shifts, and challenges within the law enforcement system all contribute to this troubling trend. However, by understanding these factors and committing to collaborative solutions, we can mitigate the impact on retailers, communities, and law enforcement.

Retailers, law enforcement, and policymakers must unite in addressing both the root causes of shoplifting and the practical solutions necessary to protect businesses and communities alike. Whether through enhanced security measures, better training for security personnel, or improved policing strategies, a concerted effort can help reverse this upward trend. Together, we can create a safer, more secure environment for everyone.

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