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Ever had that sinking feeling when you reach for your wallet, and it’s gone? Pickpockets are experts at making that happen—disappearing with your belongings before you even...
Harmain Sualeh
Nights out are a huge part of the university experience, aren’t they? They’re where friendships are forged and memories are made—memories that will have you smiling (or...
Despite efforts from the government to make the UK a safer place, crime remains an ever-present part of society. More than six million crimes were reported between June 2022 and...
Carl Randle
During the 2022/23 reporting year, England and Wales saw over 6.7 million criminal offences, and around 2 million were categorised as violent crimes. Whilst security guard...
It’s that time of year when thousands of students start to think about their rapidly approaching college or university adventures. Others will be embarking...
Rollo Davies
Brits love a good night out, and those from both sides of the North/South divide tend to argue about where the best city is to enjoy a pint. As a major part...
Shahzad Ali
Door Supervisor
Christmas comes once a year, and often that one opportunity is enough for burglars to take advantage of slack home security, with a supply of brand new...
admin Reading time: 2 min
Your employer has a 'duty of care' to ensure, as far as possible, your health, safety and welfare while you're at work. In order to identify potential health...
Michelle Harold-Brown Reading time: 4 min
First Aid
Unconsciousness is a state which occurs when the ability to maintain an awareness of self and environment is lost, involving a complete or near-complete lack...
Michelle Harold-Brown Reading time: 2 min
Career Advice
Communication: the imparting or exchanging of information by speaking, writing, or using some other medium. Of all the qualities that a security...
Get Training
Whilst handcuffing has suddenly become popular for less than ordinary reasons, it is an area where many within the security industry tend to tread...
admin Reading time: 2 minutes min