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AET, CET or DET which teacher training qualification do you need?

Due to name changes in recent years, qualifications in teacher training can be quite a maze. In this post, Get Licensed explains the difference between the three and who is suitable to undertake each one.

Level 3 Award in Education and Training (AET) Course

The Level 3 Award in Education and Training is commonly known as the AET course. Previously, this course was known as PTTLS (Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector) but was revised in 2013 and is now known as the Award in Education and Training.

Who is it for

The course is intended for those who would like to start teaching or for those who already teaching but need a nationally recognised teaching qualification for their career development. The course is designed for those in the private training industry and post-16 education sector and also covers generic teaching skills which will help you become a more effective teacher or trainer.

What does the course involve?

The AET course is three days long and consists of three units. The course covers the basic principles of teaching, and there are three written 1000-word assessments and a practical assessment.

Level 4 Certificate in Education and Training

The Level 4 Certificate in Education and Training is commonly referred to as the CET but was previously known as the Certificate OF Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector (CTTLS).

THE CET is a nationally recognised and first-stage teaching qualification with a teaching and training practice requirement.

Who is it for

The CET qualification is for those who are already in a teaching role and wish to build upon their skills and those who are not involved in teaching or training but can satisfy the mandatory and optional course units.

What is in the course

The Level 4 Certificate in Education and Training course covers the following modules:

Understanding roles, responsibilities and relationships in education and training.

Understand the relationships between teachers and other professionals in education & training.

Understand ways to maintain a safe and supportive learning environment.

Be able to implement the minimum core in planning inclusive teaching and learning.

Assessing learners in Education and Training.

Planning and preparation to meet the needs of your learners.

Using different resources for the Lifelong Learning Sector.

Equality and diversity.

Understanding and managing behaviours in a learning environment.

Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training

The Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training is commonly known as The DET but previously went by as the DTLLS (Diploma to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector).

Who is it for?

The course is popular for prospective teachers who wish to pursue a career in further education or are currently working in further education and want to gain a full teaching qualification.

What is in the course?

The course duration is 1 – 2 years, and candidates will be taught by various methods. The course will be taught with lectures, group activities, workshops, tutorials and sessions in assignment writing.

The following modules are covered in the Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training course:

Theories, Principles and Models in Education and Training

Developing Teaching, Learning and Assessment in Education and Training

Teaching, Learning and Assessment in Education and Training

Wider Professional Practice and Development in Education and Training

Developing, Using and Organising Resources in a Specialist Area

Inclusive Practice

Teaching in a Specialist Area

You will are required to have access to 100 teaching hours. The part-time course will need a minimum of 30 hours of teaching in year one- and 70 hours of teaching in year two, and the full-time diploma needs 100 hours of teaching over the year.

Start a rewarding career in the lifelong learning sector with the right teacher training.

Now you know which teacher training qualification is suitable for your needs, you should be able to choose the right one for you. Also, find out how much you can earn working in the post-16 education sector HERE.

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Due to name changes in recent years, qualifications in teacher training can be quite a maze. In this post Get Licensed explains the difference between the AET, CET or DET and who is suited to undertake each qualification.
Get Licensed