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What courses are the most useful for different roles?

What courses are the most useful for different roles?

Beyond the mandatory SIA licensing, there is a wealth of additional security-related training out there. Just have a look at the huge range of quality e-learning packages available on the Get Licensed website. But what are the most appropriate and useful courses for the role you have or want? 

Let’s have a look.

conflict management security training

Jobs where you may encounter violence or aggression. 

In retail security, as a door supervisor, a street warden, or in some event security roles, your physical intervention training will certainly be needed. Remember, the techniques that you will have been taught at your SIA training course need to be practiced regularly if they are to be done well, and easily utilised when you need them. If you can spend 30mins, twice a week, practising with a colleague, then these skills will become part of your muscle memory, automatically deployed when required. If not, then they will simply be forgotten, and some of the awful situations where things go wrong, that we see all too often on social media, may well be staring you next time.

To help you defuse a situation before it gets out of hand, there are some great Conflict Management courses around.  

If you are likely to need to restrain or arrest anyone then handcuff training will be essential. These show you the safest and most effective ways to utilise either “quick cuffs” or more standard handcuffs, to restrain a suspect until Police arrive to take an individual in to custody.

If you are in a role where you are expected to arrest and detain anyone, then an evidential statement writing course will save both you and the Police a huge amount of admin time.

Security training

Working at high profile venues.

Most of these type of sites are shortly to fall under the umbrella of Martyn’s Law. This is new legislation is designed to make staff more aware of their duties and responsibilities in the event of a terrorist attack, and to make venues safer. As a result, it will be important that security officers take both of the online ACT Counter Terrorism courses. As both staff and visitors will turn to security for guidance in any emergency situation, you need to participate in the in-house site emergency training, as soon as possible. In environments where clear and concise communication is absolutely essential, there is now a useful course looking at the Principles of Communication. Helping you to effectively get your message across.

One thing that is becoming widely recognised for its importance in terrorist situations, is Advanced Trauma Training (D13). https://www.turretmedtraining.com/copy-of-faw This goes far beyond the SIA basic first aid requirements and provides security officers with life saving skills when faced with the most horrific injuries. In a terrorist situation, standard Police procedure is to seal of the scene and surrounding area until it can be established that the terrorist threat has been neutralised. This can take an hour or more. During this time, no ambulances or medical personnel are allowed access. Security officers, already in the cordoned off zone, with this advanced training, can save lives. The outcomes at all of the recent mass casualty events you can name, would certainly have been greatly improved if security officers with this training were available. Advanced Trauma Training is now becoming more widespread within some of the top security companies, and is a valuable skill to have on your CV.

Security at a University Campus | Security Work | Behind The SIA Licence

Offices, shopping centres, warehouses and education establishments.

Well, anywhere that will contain a high density of people to be honest….. Fire procedures and the applicable laws are vital knowledge for security officers. At many assignments you will be given specific responsibilities in the event of a fire alarm activation. Fire Marshal Training is immensely valuable and will equip you with the knowledge you need to perform your duties to best effect, and enable you to advise the client in some cases. Complimenting this comes Fire Extinguisher Training

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