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What Does It Mean For Door Supervisors When The Clocks Go Back?

It’s that wonderful time of the year when the clocks go back, and pretty much everybody in the UK gets an extra hour in bed on Sunday 28 October, with the end of British summer time.

But what does it mean for those that work in the security sector, and how will this affect how you work? Well, never fear, as Get Licensed is here to guide you on just how exactly the clocks going back this weekend will affect you.

Getting dark by 4:30pm – 5:00pm

Getting darker by 5 pm doesn’t really affect Door Supervisors in the slightest. On the contrary, working in the dark is something they are very much accustomed to. Door Supervisors are pretty much like Batman and are highly efficient at night, except with an SIA badge holder and no grappling gun.

Colder weather

Thank god we have our fleeces and bomber jackets; otherwise, we would quite literally freeze to death. Another environmental element that those working in the security sector can quickly adapt to is the weather, practically freezing cold temperatures. Door Supervisors are so used to working out in the cold that it has become a mandatory requirement of the job. Just make sure to pack that woolly hat and scarf, as with the clocks going back this weekend, it means that winter has officially arrived.

The extra hour in bed

Ahhhh! And so, our favourite part about the clocking going back this weekend. Seriously, that one hour extra in bed makes a world of difference. Especially for Door Supervisors, who not only work absurdly unsociable hours but also have to be on their feet and ready at all times.

So, enjoy the extra hour in bed this weekend. You deserve it.

How to work in the security sector

If you are interested in working in the security sector, whether it be as a Door Supervisor, Security Guard or CCTV Operative, you will need to obtain an SIA Licence.

To obtain an SIA Licence, you will need to complete a course. Once you have completed the course, will you then be able to apply for an SIA Licence and work in the security sector.

Looking for jobs? 

To find the latest security jobs, check out our Jobs Board, which has 1,000+ jobs from the UK’s best security companies. 

If you’re on the hunt for a security job on the go, download the GuardPass app for all the latest jobs and more. The GuardPass App is available for download on the Apple App Store or on the Google Play Store

Start your career now with our courses! Click here to begin.

Article Name
What Does It Mean For Door Supervisors When The Clocks Go Back This Weekend?
Just how will the clocks going back this weekend affect you and your job? Will you be enjoying that extra hour in bed in the morning?
Get Licensed