Tree Felling Licence

Cutting down a tree isn’t as simple as getting an ax and chopping some wood. To fell a tree, you will need a licence.

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Forestry Commission
8 weeks
Valid For
10 years
Documentation required
  • details about you the applicant
  • map information that shows the extent of where the proposed felling will take place.
Application for Tree Felling Licence
  • Applications to be made via Forestry Commission
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Have a question? We have answers

Yes. If a tree is cut down without a felling licence, the individual or group involved can be prosecuted.

In general, trees growing on your own property can be cut down, however, it is always advised to contact your local council to seek authorisation as the tree or trees in question may have a Tree Preservation Order (TPO) in place. Individuals looking to remove trees from their property should always seek the professional service of an Arborist.

A Tree Preservation Order is a written order created by a local planning authority that gives protections to trees that provide amenity value to the public. To remove a tree under a Tree Preservation Order, even if it is on your property, will require a tree felling licence.

Yes. In some circumstances, a felling licence can be issued to someone who is not the owner or lessee but who has sufficient legal interest in the land. However, they must be able to demonstrate that they can fell the trees without the need to get permission from anyone else.

No, there are some expectations in which a felling tree licence may not be required, however, this will depend on a number of situations, including the location of the project, the type of tree work involved, and other legal and statutory undertakings. However, in most scenarios, a tree felling licence is required, with the probability of not requiring one unlikely.

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