security at large events

Event Security: Staying Safe at Large Gatherings and Public Events

A recent survey shows that over 50% of people attending large events worry about their safety. Large gatherings are great opportunities to have fun, socialise, and enjoy various performances or activities. However, with so many people in one place, safety becomes a top priority. Whether it’s a music festival, sports event, or public gathering, ensuring your safety is crucial.

In this blog, we’ll break down why event security matters, how to stay safe at events, and what’s new in security for large gatherings.

Why Event Security Matters?

In 2021, the UK Home Office recorded 2,333 incidents at large public events. This statistic highlights the urgent need for robust event security measures. Effective event security not only prevents potential harm but ensures a smooth and enjoyable experience for all attendees. 

With proper security measures, organisers can manage large crowds effectively, ensuring everyone can enjoy the event safely.

Best Practices for Staying Safe at Large Events

Plan Ahead

Before attending any large event, do some research. Know the venue layout, the location of exits, and the event’s safety protocols. This preparation can be invaluable in an emergency. 

Check if the event has an official app that provides maps and real-time updates. 

Stay Aware of Your Surroundings 

Stay alert of your surroundings. If you notice any suspicious behaviour or unattended items, report them to security staff immediately. At the 2017 Manchester Arena bombing, many attendees reported seeing suspicious behaviour beforehand. Being vigilant and reporting such behaviour can prevent tragedies.

Keep Personal Belongings Secure

Large gatherings can be hotspots for pickpockets. Consider using RFID-blocking wallets to protect against electronic pickpocketing. Many large events, like the London Marathon, recommend these for added security. 

Travel Light

Avoid Large Bags to reduce time spent at security checks and make it easier to move around. Use clear bags if required, as this speeds up entry. Consider carrying essentials only to simplify security checks and reduce the risk of losing valuables.

Stick Together

Sticking together with your friends or family at large events is crucial for safety. Use fully charged mobile phones to stay in touch, and consider wearing bright or matching clothing for easy identification. 

To avoid separation, set a clear meeting point with your group in advance. This is a smart strategy used at major events like the Notting Hill Carnival.

Follow Security Guidelines

Always adhere to the event’s security measures. This might include bag checks, metal detectors, or specific entry and exit procedures. These security checks might feel tedious, but they are essential. These stringent security checks help prevent any major incidents, ensuring the safety of thousands.  

Stay Hydrated and Nourished

Large events can be physically demanding. Ensure you drink plenty of water and eat regularly to keep your energy levels up. Dehydration or low blood sugar can make you more vulnerable in crowded environments.

Wear Comfortable Clothing and Footwear

Choose attire suitable for the weather and comfortable for long periods of standing or walking. This helps you stay comfortable and reduces the risk of injuries like blisters or overheating.

Know the Emergency Procedures

Get to know the event’s emergency procedures. Know where the first aid stations are and who to contact in case of a medical emergency.

Use Cashless Payments

To avoid carrying large amounts of cash, use cashless payment options if available. Many events now offer contactless payment methods which are quicker and safer.

Stay Sober

While enjoying a drink might be part of the fun, staying sober helps you remain alert and aware of your surroundings. Excessive drinking can impair your judgement and make you more vulnerable.

Respect Other Attendees

Be mindful of others’ personal space and behaviour. Respectful and considerate actions contribute to a safer and more enjoyable environment for everyone.

safety at large events checklist

Latest Trends in Event Security

The security industry is constantly evolving. Developers are always creating new technologies to improve safety at large events. Here are a few recent trends:

Drones Surveillance 

Drone security is becoming a popular choice for event security. These flying devices offer a bird’s eye view, making it easier for security teams to monitor large areas effectively. Events like the Edinburgh Festival are also using drones with high-definition cameras and thermal imaging. These are highly effective in monitoring crowd movements and identifying potential issues.

Facial Recognition Technology 

Some events now use facial recognition to quickly identify individuals who may pose a threat. Security teams can also use facial recognition to manage access to restricted areas. The Royal Ascot has successfully implemented facial recognition technology to enhance security, allowing them to quickly identify and manage potential threats.

Mobile Security Apps 

Event organisers are now developing apps that attendees can use for enhanced safety. These apps allow people to report suspicious activity, receive real-time updates, and quickly find important safety information. For instance, apps like ‘Festival Safe’ allow users to share their location with friends along with essential safety tips.

Improved Training for Security Staff

Security personnel are receiving more comprehensive training, including how to handle crowd management, identify threats, and respond to emergencies. Security personnel undergo rigorous security training in areas like conflict resolution and emergency response, ensuring they are prepared for any situation.

Smart Barriers and Crowd Control Systems

Event organisers are now using smart barriers and advanced crowd control systems to keep everyone safe. These barriers can automatically open and close to manage the flow of people, preventing overcrowding. They also come equipped with sensors and cameras to monitor real-time crowd movements. This technology helps security teams react quickly to any issues to ensure a safer experience for all attendees.

Wearable Tech for Security

Security staff now use wearable tech like smart watches and body cameras to enhance safety at events. These gadgets allow them to communicate quickly, monitor live footage, and respond faster to incidents. These devices also help event security teams to keep a closer eye on the crowd.


Event security is vital for keeping large gatherings and public events safe for everyone. By planning ahead and following security guidelines, you can help ensure your safety and that of others. The latest trends in event security, such as drones and facial recognition technology, are enhancing safety measures. These technologies make it easier to monitor and secure large events effectively.

Your safety should be your first concern. So, next time you attend a large gathering or an event, keep these tips in mind and enjoy yourself safely. For more detailed safety tips for daily life, visit Safety Hub – your go-to platform for practical advice on staying safe. Stay informed, stay vigilant, and have a fantastic time!

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