The Complete Close Protection Training Syllabus

A comprehensive guide to all training units and chapters required for the SIA Close Protection licence.

Close Protection Training Units

This unit provides a foundational understanding of the private security sector, covering essential aspects such as:

Introduction to the Private Security Industry: An overview of the industry's structure and its role within society.
Legislation and Legal Responsibilities: Understanding the laws and regulations governing private security operations.
Health and Safety: Best practices to ensure safety for both operatives and clients.

This unit delves into the specific responsibilities and skills required for Close Protection Officers, including:

Roles and Responsibilities: Detailed examination of a CPO's duties in various scenarios.
Threat and Risk Assessment: Techniques to identify, evaluate, and mitigate potential threats to clients.
Surveillance Awareness: Recognizing and countering surveillance activities.
Operational Planning: Developing comprehensive security plans tailored to client needs.
Route Selection: Strategizing safe and efficient travel routes for clients.
Foot Formations: Implementing protective formations during client movements.
Vehicle Tactics: Advanced driving techniques and vehicle positioning to ensure client safety.
Embussing and Debussing: Safe procedures for client entry and exit from vehicles.
Search Procedures: Conducting thorough searches of individuals, vehicles, and premises to prevent security breaches.
Incident Management: Effective response strategies for various security incidents.
Venue Security Operations: Assessing and securing venues prior to client arrival.
Reconnaissance: Gathering intelligence on locations and routes to anticipate potential risks.
Protocol and Etiquette: Maintaining professionalism and adhering to social protocols in diverse environments.

This unit focuses on equipping CPOs with the skills to handle confrontations effectively:

Communication Skills: Developing both verbal and non-verbal communication techniques to de-escalate situations.
Managing Conflict: Strategies to prevent, manage, and resolve conflicts in a professional manner.
Problem-Solving: Approaches to assess situations quickly and determine the best course of action.

Exam Information

  • The exam is conducted on the final day of the Close Protection training course
  • The course consists of three separate exams, each covering a specific unit.
  • A 70% pass mark is required for most sections.
  • Practical assessments include route planning, foot formations, vehicle tactics, surveillance detection, and incident management.
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Candidates must be at least 18 years old and have the right to work in the UK. A valid First Aid at Work qualification is required before attending the course.

Graduates can work as bodyguards for VIPs and celebrities, provide protection for high-net-worth individuals, take on private international security assignments, offer asset protection for luxury retailers, and work in residential security.

After passing all assessments, candidates must apply online via the Security Industry Authority (SIA) website, pay the £184 licence fee, complete identity verification, and undergo background checks.

Earnings can vary based on experience, assignment risk level, and negotiation skills. Typically, Close Protection Officers earn between £50-100 per hour.
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